Practice, practice, practice!
Practice makes perfect!
As you can see (I hope!), I've been practicing.
I've been picking up new tips and tricks
of the trade as I go along. I've received
wonderful help from Jackie, Aleesa & Gale
with shortcuts in PS, how to load new
brushes & actions to PS, and support
in continuing my newest form of art.
Gale, over at Paper Whimsy asked if I
would consider writing a tutorial from
my point of view as a beginner. I
agreed, and Gale will be sharing it
with those that are signed up to receive
Paper Whimsy's newsletter (!/paperwhimsy)
in the next week or so. If you're
not already signed up, head over to
Facebook and "LIKE" Paper Whimsy and
while you're there...sign up for
the newsletter. That way
you won't miss out on my tutorial when
it's unveiled. It will take you step-by-step
through creating a piece of digital art
and I share lots of short-cuts with you.
Hope you enjoyed Butterfly Queen, and
I hope that she inspired you to try
something new. Whether it's Digital
Art, or something else you've always
wanted to do.